St Paul’s Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2018

There is a long history of students from St. Paul’s travelling to Lourdes with our school, and also the groups within our community.  This Easter a number of young people will travel to Lourdes, for a week long pilgrimage, leaving Newry on Easter Sunday morning.  Included among these are Micheal McCloy (Year 8), Aime McNally (Year 10) and Siofra Brennan (Year 11).  

Siofra was awarded a place on the Irish Pilgram’s group, and her form class wanted to help by raising some money for their fund.  The class organised a bun sale just before February half term, which was supported by students and staff alike.  Siofra and her team managed to raise a whopping £700.  On Tuesday, Niamh Rafferty came to school, and Siofra and Aime made the presentation on behalf of the students of St. Paul’s Bessbrook.  

Well done to all involved and good luck to everyone on their pilgrimage to Lourdes, enjoy every minute.  

Niamh Rafferty of the Irish Pilgrimage Team accepts a cheque from Siofra Brennan and Aime McNally.  Also in the picture is Mrs Marion McMahon, Siofra’s form teacher and Niamh Watters, who will also travel to Lourdes at Easter.