New Rules visit St Paul’s and deliver an important message to our Year 8 and Year 9

New Rules, who are currently a support band for the Little Mix tour, visited St Paul’s on Tuesday 8th October and discussed the different aspects and importance of respect within all kinds of relationships including family, friendships and romantic relationships.

They also discussed the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships highlighting the important of respect and tolerance for everyone. This was all linked to discussing and creating awareness of the importance of good mental health, the causes of mental health problems, who to ask for help and how to ask them, and the importance of discussing emotions accurately and sensitively.

Each band member discussed with the children a time where they struggled with their own mental health issues, and gave them advice on how to stay safe online and on the topic of cyberbullying.

The talk was very interactive, and the band played a few songs as well. All of our Year 8s and 9s got involved and had a great time!