GCSE Results Day 2019

Following on from the publication of GCSE results as well as BTEC and OCR Cambridge Technicals last week, Principal of St Paul’s High School Bessbrook, Mr Jarlath Burns paid tribute to all the students who had excelled in this year’s public examinations.

“It is fantastic to celebrate the success of all our Year 12’s. Excellent results were achieved, with many pupils attaining the highest grades in all subjects. Of course we are pleased with this success, however we are mindful that we a non-selective school and this attracts children of all abilities. To this end, our focus is not only about the children who achieve the top grades. We are aware of the different abilities of all children and are equally proud of the pupils who have achieved a C grade. Indeed, that C grade is that child’s A. This is much to be celebrated, especially in an era where much expectations can be too unrealistic.

To all our pupils, we extend a warm congratulation and hope that the next phase of learning is fruitful and enjoyable. We will be seeing many of you next week and wish those who are moving on to SRC and apprenticeships the very best.

Finally, I would life to extend a warm thanks to our parents, who continue to place their children’s education and development in our hands. We will endeavor to continue to provide ‘quality education for all.’

Pictured are students from St Paul’s High School Bessbrook who are celebrating continued exam success at Post-16 Level at the Bessbrook school. The pupils are pictured with Mr Jarlath Burns (Principal) and Mrs Eileen Fearon (Chair of the Board of Governors).