Katie Royle of the Downs Syndrome association returned for her annual trip to St. Paul’s. The Year 14 students presented a donation of £100 to the Downs Syndrome association as a mark of their appreciation for her support last year. Katie then went on to give a talk of the effects of having a Downs […]
As part of Anti-Bullying week, which ran from 18-22 November, the Senior Prefect Team at St Paul’s launched their Anti-Cyber bullying campaign. The Senior Prefects chose to focus on cyber bullying in particular because they felt it is a type of bullying that affects many young people today. They discovered in their research that there has […]
Year 10 student Orla Garvey writes about a recent visit to Bagnell’s castle, where she and her classmates met Holocaust survivor Joanna Millen. Myself and four classmates, along with our friends in Newtownhamilton High School, travelled to Bagnell’s Castle to meet a lady who survived the Holocaust. Joanna Millen had spent the first three years […]
Rotary Club winner Shauna Pentony, pictured with Mr Peter Conway and Mr Donal McAlinden from Newry Rotary Club, and Vice-Principal, Mrs Una McNulty and Head of Year 13, Mrs Christine Fearon. Rotary Youth Leadership recently selected Year 13 student, Shauna Pentony, as winner of the Newry & Mourne heat of their annual competition. She competed […]
Some of the staff and students who will participate in ‘Strictly Come Jigging!’ on Thursday 12 December. St Paul’s has officially launched ‘Strictly Come Jigging!’. Staff and students have collaborated in the innovative idea of ‘strictly with a twist’ as a means of raising funds for the school’s 2014 International Projects, where students travel to […]
Joanne from Pet Connection visited 0848’s Science class last Tuesday. Many animals and reptiles visited including a parrot, lizard, rabbit, a bearded dragon and a corn-snake to name a few. Joanne talked about each animal and reptile and pupils learned where they originate from, the purpose of their features, what they eat and how they […]
A Level Sociology students thoroughly enjoyed their recent educational visit to the Ulster-American Folk Park, which was organised by Co-ordinator of Sociology Mrs Caroline Hughes. Through the visit students got an opportunity to examine how Irish society has changed over the centuries and they were able to get an insight into sociological topics, such as […]
Quiz team members pictured are Sarah Kilgallon, Wayne Mills, Katie Burns, Fionntan Evans and Mairéad Campbell On Thursday 14 November Mrs Michelle Morgan, School Librarian, our quiz team and Miss McClinton from the English Department travelled to Wellington College in Belfast for the Annual Kids Lit Quiz hosted by Wayne Mills. There were twenty eight […]
Pupils from 12/73 recently travelled to Tandragee to visit the famous Tayto Castle. The pupils visited the factory as part of their Learning for Life & Work course with regard to health and safety. They were given a comprehensive tour of the factory by one of the tour guides and learned a great deal from […]
Year 13 Health & Social Care students from Ms Maguire’s class visited Avila Nursing Home recently as part of their module on Communication in Care Settings. The purpose of the visit was to allow the students to interact with an older client group and demonstrate the essential skills of communication required in health and social […]
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