BBC School Report is back!
BBC News Day School Report 2017
Thursday 16th March
St Paul’s School Reporters travelled to BBC Black Staff studios in Belfast to take part in the live News Day broadcast. They were able to put questions to the panel and relished the opportunity to save part of a LIVE programme. Thank you to the BBC School Report team for giving us this unique experience.
Grainne McCoy returns to St Paul’s to take part in BBC School Report.
Grainne puts our A Level Business Studies students through their paces in the Boardroom. As a semi finalist in this season’s The Apprentice, Grainne gives them advice for the future as she gives through their business plans. BBC crew with Barra Best also are there to film the BBC School Reporters.
BBC News Day Report 10/3/16

Chloe and Estelle BBC School Reporters on News Day

Launch of the 24 hour Spinathon for BBC School Report

Paul McKeown and Johnny Hanratty from Crossmaglen Rangers with Jenay Doyle from the NI Children’s Hospice, Aoidin D’Arcy and Mary McKenna from St Paul’s
About the BBC School Report
BBC News School Report gives 11-16 year-old students across the UK the opportunity to research and produce their own news reports for a real audience.
Last year, more than 1000 schools across the UK took part in this diversity award-winning project. Students reported on a range of issues, from social media addiction to why dancing is not just for girls and how Muslim women can wear the hijab. Some even interviewed leading politicians.
Using lesson plans and materials from the website, teachers help their pupils develop students’ journalistic skills so they can report on the stories that matter to them and make their voices heard.
The project culminates on School Report News Day – this year to be held on 10 March 2016 – where all schools taking part produce stories and publish them on their school websites.
The BBC links to each school webpage, providing a real audience for the reports. Some schools will also get the chance to work with BBC staff and see their work appear on television, radio or the BBC website.
Our BBC News Reporters
Report January 2016
Jersey Day in memory of past pupil and
Head Boy, Peter Hughes
Here is the BBC School Report about the Jersey Day in memory of Peter Hughes. All pupils and staff will wear a jersey and give £1 towards the charity Head Injury Support. BBC staff came into school on Tuesday 26th January to help our BBC School Reporters make this video and they had a great day learning many new skills.
Report December 2015
Rotary Tree of Remembrance
Our BBC School Reporters were out and about in Newry filming a piece for the BBC School Report on the Rotary Tree of Remembrance which was set up in the Quays to raise funds for three local charities, PIPS, The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust and the Rotary Club in Newry. Pupils interviewed Colin Bell from KBRT, Seamus McCabe from PIPS Newry and Jack Murphy from the Rotary Club. They enjoyed the experience of interviewing and filming in different locations. Here are some stills of the day and our video report.
Report December 2015
Ryan Cinnamond – Determined, Courageous and Inspirational!
by Darragh
Ryan Cinnamond’s life was turned upside down in 2010 when he had both his legs amputated from the knee down. On November 10th 2010, Ryan went to bed complaining of a back ache and a numbness down his right leg. The following morning, instead of going to St Paul’s High School in Bessbrook to sit a GCSE exam, he collapsed and was rushed to hospital. He suffered an aortic aneurysm. While in hospital he was in surgery for 10 hours and lost seven litres of blood. Terrifyingly, he was given a 10% chance of survival. But brave Ryan pulled through and received numerous litres of blood to save his life. Since this terrible event Ryan has faced a long and challenging road to recovery. This included coming to terms with learning to walk again with his new computerised battery powered limbs. Ryan has visited many Primary Schools and has inspired me and lots of other people as he recounts his experience and his determination to succeed. Ryan had the priviledge of carrying the Olympic torch in 2012 and Olympic’s Chief, Lord Sebastian Coe said that Ryan summed up everything he loved about the Olympic Games. Ryan’s dream was to run again and with lots of courage and determination, he has achieved this. He didn’t stop there and even went on to break a Guinness World Record as part of a relay time who ran the most miles in 18 days non-stop!. These are memories that our community and Ryan himself will never forget after all he has been through.
A past pupil and friend of Ryan in St Paul’s, Emma Martin, was so inspired by him that she worked tirelessly to launch the Blood Drive Campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to encourage people to donate blood to help others who desperately need it. Our school Principal. Mr Jarlath Burns was more than keen to facilitate this year’s event. It is now one of the most important dates on the school calendar and an annual event. This year we hope to exceed our donations from last year and help the Blood Transfusion Service in it’s aim to reach a wider audience.
Ryan’s motto is: “You are not disabled by the disabilities you have, you are enabled by the abilities you have”.
He is an inspirational young man and someone we are all very proud of, here in St Paul’s. He has achieved so much and helped so many people in his drive to inspire and motivate young people. His courage is something we should all learn from.
Report December 2015
First ever Christmas Fair in St Paul’s!
by Agne
Today I’m here at St Paul’s High School in Bessbrook where the Christmas spirit is beginning to show! I am going to interview Mrs Siobhan O’Hare, Head of Art, who is the organiser of the first ever Christmas Craft Fair in St Paul’s.
Agne: “What was the inspiration behind the Craft Fair?”
Mrs O’Hare: “I had the idea a few months ago when I was visiting a friend in another school and she told me they were having a Craft Fair. So I took action and starting to plan the first ever Craft Fair in St Paul’s.
Agne: I see the entrance fee is £1, what are you raising money for?
Mrs O’Hare: “Due to the current economic climate and budget cuts, I decided to raise money to buy art materials and supplies in order that our pupils can continue to show their creativity through their artwork”
Agne: ” Did the organisation take a lot of time?”
Mrs O’Hare: ” It takes an great deal of organisation to produce a successful event and we have over 75 stallholders already signed up for the day. I have a team of helpers who are involved in all aspects of the Cradt Fair from advertising to setting up the rooms.
Agne: “How did you find the craft stallholders?”
Mrs O’Hare: ” I advertised if anyone was interesting in selling their crafts at our fair and was delighted with the response as we had such variety of stallholders. I also arranged for Primary 7 pupils from our feeder schools to come into St Paul’s and make their own decorations to sell on the day. There was a competition to find the best stall.
Agne: I hear Santa will also be in attendance”
Mrs O’Hare: “Yes I am pleased to announce that Santa will be in his grotto to welcome all the boys and girls as well as the Newry Community Choir and choirs from local schools. It will feel like Christmas, look like Christmas and smell like Christmas. I will also be there selling little felt hearts and ornaments. There will be lots to see and lots to eat and drink so come along and see for yourself. Let your Christmas spirit shine through”
Agne: ” So when is it al happening?
Mrs O’Hare; “Saturday 28th November from 11am to 4pm in St Paul’s High School, Bessbrook”
Agne: ” Great…see you then”
Mrs O’Hare with stall holder Jennifer from Lily and Lace in Camlough
Report November 2015
Paris Attacks
by Cara
On Friday 13th November 2015, numerous terrorist attacks took place in Paris, France. Over 120 people were shot in various sites across the city including a football stadium and a rock concert. One man managed to save himself by using his phone to block a bullet! People all over the city have been grieving the loss of family and friends. It is estimated that seven attackers took part in the killing of so many people and that they each took their own lives rather than be captured by police. It is thought the attackers were members of Islamic State. The following day French fighter planes bombed IS targets in Syria.
Report November 2015
Cash Machine Robbery near St Paul’s High School
by Joshua
BBC School Reporter Joshua Madigan reporting live from outside Dan Gregory’s Filling Station opposite St Paul’s in Bessbrook.
In the early hours of the 6th November 2015 a digger was used to rip out a ATM from the wall at Gregory’s Filling Station on the Camlough Road. The digger had been stolen earlier from a site on the same road near the village of Camlough. Four men were caught on CCTV causing criminal damage to the property and making off in he digger. The digger was later found, burnt out nearby. Police are looking for any one who may have witnessed the robbery or have any information regarding the suspects who were caught on camera.